Aug. 5-7, 2019 Milan (Italy) Back

E2HS3-19, IASEH-19, MABES-19


Sr.No.Paper Title & Author(s)Page No.
1E-learning Metacognition in the Design and Analysis of Computational Algorithms in the ESIME-Cu in the IPN in Mexico
Beatriz Dolores Guardián Soto, Abel Camacho Galván, De la Cruz Téllez Arturo and José Juan Venta Calvillo
2Examination Stress and Anxiety: Impact of Socio-Psychological Factors on College Students
Dr. Saba Yunus
3Skill Development Program as a Tool to Help Women Empowerment
Dr. Mohini Agrawal
4Good Governance and Human Rights
Dr. Manorama Gupta
5The Effects on the Red Meats Prices of Feed Price: The Case of Turkey
Ayşe Çoban, Orhan Çoban and Özer Coşkun
6An Empirical Study on the Effect of Employee Empowerment on Individual Performance
Kubilay ÖZYER and Abdulkadir SİNAN
7Effects of Improving College Freshmen’s English Listening Comprehension via LINE App
Shi-Jer Lou, Tsai-Feng Cheng, Shu-Fen Tseng and Ru-Chu Shih
8The Analysis of Benefit Assessment Dimensions, Subdimensions and Indicators Connotation in School Evaluation
Tsai-Feng Cheng, Lu-Wen Chiu, Shu-Fen Tseng, Shi-Jer Lou, and Ru-Chu Shih
9Sustainability Information Provided by Businesses in Sweden – Differences between Categories in Nature-based Industries?
Anna Sörensson, Annika Cawthorn and Maria Bogren
10The Construction of Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning Ability Indicators for Vocational High School Students
Chih-Cheng Tsai, Tsai-Feng Cheng, Ru-Chu Shih, and Shi-Jer Lou
11Pedagogical Innovation and Literacy Teaching
L. Cardoso
12Borehole Breakout Numerical Modelling for In-Situ Stress Estimation
Kutay E. Karadeniz and H. Ozturk